Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Here is our craft we did yesterday.....they take a while to completely dry, so we had to finish them up this morning.  You will need styrofoam can use any size and you can even cut them in half.  I needed one more and I didn't really want to go out and buy one (I had these left over from a few years ago), so I gave the 2 younger kids a half of one.  You will also need black craft paint and black pipe cleaners.....if you don't have black pipe cleaners, you can paint them.  I have done that in the past and it works out really well.

An easy way for the kids to hold onto the ball without being completely covered in paint is to stick a fork or craft stick in the bottom so they have something to hold onto.

Then they are ready to paint.  I showed the kids that they could roll their ball in paint and then brush the rest on.....made it a little easier and quicker.

Once they are can start putting them together.  I cut the pipe cleaners in half and gave each child 8.....I helped them put the pipe cleaners in and then bend the legs.  To make eyes for the spiders, you can use push pins, thumb tacks, wiggly eyes, or brads.  I had these little silver brads left over from another project, so we used those.  The kids could just push them in and be done.

If you get the legs in pretty straight, they will stand......perfect for Halloween!!!



  1. cute! i think quin would love this idea!

  2. Can't wait to put it on top of her pumpkin at home! They turned out so cute.

  3. This is great! I am wondering, often do you have to go out of town to get all these supplies?? I would love to do these crafts with the boys, but getting all the supplies in a timely manner is difficult!
