Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pumpkin Jars

I normally make these pumpkins with baby food jars, but only had a few left from Maddox.  So, I made a trip to the Et Cetera Shop in search of some cheap jars.....SCORE!  I found more than enough and at $.19 each, I bought a few extra.  You can use any size you want or can find.....just make sure you have at least 1 lid to use on the don't need to keep it, but you need it when you start shaking. 

Then you will need orange craft paint.

Then squirt paint into the jars.  It works good if you can squirt some down the sides as well.

Then put the lid on and start shaking!  I had to help shake a little to help them get the entire jar covered.....just depends how much paint you put in and how long the children want to shake.

LOVE this picture......she was jumping as she was shaking and you can see the movement in her face!!  Cracks me up!

(The smaller jars work better for the smaller children cause they don't have to shake as long and perfect size for their small hands too).

When the paint covers the entire jar, then you can decorate the outside (I left the lid on and turned the jar on it's side while they decorated it).  I cut out shapes ahead of time for them to glue on the outside of their jar.  For older children, they could use a sharper or craft paint to decorate the outside as well.....lots of different options.

I let the children put their face on however they wanted.

I think they turned out very cute.....and an easy and fun craft to do with any age child.
You could even decorate them up a little more and tie some ribbon around the top.

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