Thursday, August 23, 2012

Last Day of Summer

The day has finally come.....not sure if I am ready or not......kind of sad that summer and pool time is coming to an end, but also ready for school to start and for there to be a little more structure back in our lives.
Well, I have 3 kids that are going back to school so we had a little farewell for them and an end of summer party!
What better way, then to put our suits on and give each child a can of shaving cream!  I have actually thought about doing this all summer, but just never got around to doing it.  The Jones' came over to join us as well.

I sprayed B's tummy to get him started in the mess!!!  He wasn't so sure about it at first.

Maddox didn't like it too much.....Nikki put some on his arms and he wanted it off! 


Nice beard! 


 Can you tell they had fun??!!!
 D loves to play in the gutter! 
Some of the kids started to hose off and others could have played in it all day.

This picture cracks me up! 

Reese and Cooper were trying to get every inch of their body covered. 

After we were all washed off and dry, we got Pizza Hut pizza and breadsticks for lunch......that was a treat!  We were gonna eat outside, but it was a bit too windy.

Goodbye Summer!  It has been fun!
We will be starting our preschool activities soon, so stay tuned for some fun art projects.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Marble Rolling

All you need for this activity is some pool noodles (about $1 a piece at Dollar General) and some marbles......definitely more than a me!  Cut your pool noodles in half, place on an incline and let the marbles roll......we used a lid to stop the marbles from going everywhere.  We started out by having races between 2 kids.

Then I gave them an entire jar of marbles and they had a blast letting them roll into the tub.....we even used a whole pool noodle as well.

They had fun just putting a handful of marbles down the noodle and watching them fall......I was surprised at how long they sat and did this.  Will definitely be bringing out more often.  If you have the larger pool noodles, you can use match box cars as well.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Cloud Dough

We made this a few weeks ago and are still playing with it.....I think it was a hit!  All you need is flour and oil (baby oil or cooking oil works.....we used baby oil, but if you are worried about your child putting it in their mouth, then I would use the cooking oil).  Mix 8 cups flour with 1 cup oil (we doubled it) and then mix with your hands until the dough holds together when squeezed.  I put it in a large tub and took it outside......add some cups, spoons, bowls, etc to play with. 

I still have this available for the kids to play with while we are outside.....great alternative to sand!