Monday, December 5, 2011

Days 4, 5, and 6

This weekend was crazy time for posting.  Since we were so busy, I kept our acts of kindness simple......taking our neighbors trash can up to her garage (she has a long driveway).....nothing major, but I'm sure she appreciated it none-the-less.  Remember, it's the little things that mean the most!  I also paid for someone's coffee behind me at I did not know this person and will probably never see them again, but I'm sure they appreciated it.

Today, I only had 2 kiddos besides my own, so it allowed us to venture out and do some kindness around town.  We taped quarters to pop machines outside the grocery stores for someone to use....I am sure most people will just walk on by without taking it, but hopefully someone could use a pop or a water today that might not normally get one from a machine.  I hope you all have a blessed day and stay is nasty out there.

I just have to say how these random acts of kindness warm my heart and I hope they are making an impact on my kiddos (that giving is far more important than the receiving of gifts....big or small).....if only everyone could feel the same joy that we are feeling during this holiday season!


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