Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 9

I am exhausted!!!  What a morning....and not because of the kids, we had lots to do and it was just crazy.  Here is just a small part of our morning.  We made sugar cookies for our neighbors.....well I made them and the kids decorated them.  I reminded them not to lick their fingers or the cookies or the sprinkles since these were going to other people and they might not appreciate little germs all over their cookies......I have to say they did GREAT!!!  It also helped that I said we would decorate our own to eat after we decorated the ones for the neighbors and then they could lick their fingers all the wanted!

 Waiting so patiently.

 Gotta love the sprinkles!

 Finally.....time to eat their cookies!

Don't they look yummy!  I have to say, they were delicious!!!

Ray and Eunice had to give the kids suckers (they were so excited that we came over and that we brought them cookies.....they kept saying how nice that was....they are so sweet!)....oh but not just one, lets give them each least they were small and they kept the other one in their pocket for later......cause they really needed more sugar after the cookies and frosting and it was almost lunch time.  That's what neighbors are for I guess.....and we do have the BEST neighbors......they all love the kids and love it when they can watch them playing outside.   

A few of our neighbors weren't home and the rest I didn't take pictures of.  They were all very appreciative of the cookies though.

We also made wreaths today.  Our first craft failed.....not because it didn't turn out, but it failed because the kids were getting frustrated and it turned out to be more difficult than I we threw it aside and I pulled out pipe cleaners and beads and they had fun!!!  Just take a pipe cleaner and have the children put beads on......however many they want.  Twist the ends together to make a circle, add a bow and done.....very simple.  Most of them filled their pipe cleaner completely full of beads.....another great fine motor skill.  They were all excited that they could take them home and put them on their tree!  Today was a success, but now I am tired and could really use a nap (which won't happen, but it would be nice) and some lunch!

 Look at that concentration.

 B is so focused.

I didn't have any Christmas ribbon, so I just used what I had.....the kids didn't seem to mind.


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