Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Spin Art

Do you have a salad spinner??
Do you ever use it.....for salad anyway??
I bought this one at a garage sale.....not to spin out my salad, but to do spin art!!!

There are several different options you can use when doing spin art.  I took large paper plates and cut out the inside circle to use (I was out of small paper plates, which work good too).  You can also use construction paper, poster board, coffee filters, etc.  Then I watered down the paint.....just a bit to make it easier to drip on the paper.  Today we used red, yellow and blue (I wanted them to see the way the colors mix to make new colors).....it's fun to do red, white and blue for the 4th of July and then sprinkle with a little glitter.

Tip: put some sticky tack or tape on bottom of the salad spinner (thing that sticks up) and attach paper to it.....keeps the paper from flying around when you spin it.

Next, let the children drip paint on their paper.  It's fun to experiment with the amount of paint and the placement of the paint.....we did quite a few just to see the differences.

Then close the salad spinner and spin!

Here are the end results.

We have been talking a lot about rainbows and color mixing.  A couple of good books that talk about coloring mixing are Mouse Paint and White Rabbit's Color Book.  So we made some of our spin art with red and blue....makes purple, yellow and blue.....makes green, and red and yellow.....makes orange.  It was fun to hear them talking about the colors that mixed to make different colors.....they were so excited! 

I have a few other activities that we did today, but will share those later.  Lots of color!!!


1 comment:

  1. so cute! Gavin did mouse paint on Friday at Kindergarten and Dillyn wanted to help him so bad. So neat that you did this now.
