Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Do your kids like to "write" or draw pictures?? 

Are you constantly getting them a piece of paper??

What do you do with those papers??  Keep them, throw them away, what??

Well, we have "journals."  They are fun, inexpensive and they each have their own.  They can use their journals whenever they want to draw or "write".  Sometimes we use them for something specific, sometimes I let them choose what they want to do in them.....just depends on the day.  This week we are talking about apples, so we will write an A and draw an Apple......last week I let them draw whatever they wanted.....they drew castles, cactuses, whales, happy faces, dolphins and some just colored.....anything goes, it is their journal and they can do whatever they want in it.

We used stickers and glitter pens to decorate the fronts of the journals.

Decorating with glitter pens.

Putting stickers on journals.

Stickers are a good to use when working on those fine motor skills.

Here are their journals.....I let them pick the color and which star they wanted on the front and they decorated the rest.

You can attach a pencil with string or yarn so they can take them with them in the vehicle, outside, on a field trip, around the house, etc.  We sometimes take them in the van when picking up the kids from school.....we have to wait a little bit, so it gives them something to do while they wait.


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