Thursday, September 15, 2011

Melted Crayon Canvas

I've seen these colorful canvases all over pinterest.....they are so fun!!!  I went to Michael's to get a canvas and to my surprise, all their canvases 60% off!!!!  Now, I'm wondering why I didn't buy more for other projects.....oh, yeah I had 2 boys with me and they were ready to go!

I first had the children sort the crayons by color.....they did a great job of sorting the like colors together!


Then we talked about the colors of the rainbow again and they handed me the colors while I hot glued them on. 


Next, take your hair dryer and turn it to hot and on medium or high and start melting.  The crayon can "fly" a make sure you have your area covered with plastic.  I let each child take a turn "melting" the crayons.







You can let the colors melt all the way down, or just a little bit.....we let ours melt quite a bit....the kids loved watching it.....surprisingly it kept their attention!


There are so many color options you could do with this project:
  • Alternating colors (pink and black / red and blue / green and yellow (John Deere))
  • School colors or sports teams
  • All different shades of pink or any color for that matter
  • Different shades of green to make stems for flowers....look here.
  • Metallic crayons
  • Reds, oranges and yellows to look like flames on a black canvas


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