Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Easter Egg Caterpillars

Remember the caterpillars I told you about last week, well we made them today......they turned out even better than I thought they would.  I ended up going to Dollar General to get a few things the other day and I found 9 bags of Easter Eggs on Clearance for $0.10 each.....BARGAIN!!!  I was very excited!!!

We started by choosing 2 or more colors of eggs to make our pattern.  You wouldn't have to make a pattern, but this is something we've been working on lately so I wanted to incorporate it into our art today.

Then each child chose 2 pipe cleaners to "string" their eggs onto (great fine motor skill).....make sure your eggs have the holes in the bottom or this project won't work.  This was the challenging part......it was a bit hard for them to understand that both pipe cleaners needed to go through each egg, but once they got that it was smooth sailing.  I was glad to see none of the children gave up on this project eventhough there were times of frustration.

Did you notice that they all color coordinated their pipe cleaners with their eggs!?!

When they were all done, we twisted the ends for the antenna and added some wiggly eyes and a mouth.

This was such a fun project and they turned out super cute!!!

This is Maddox's.....even if your child is too little to put the eggs on, they can decide what colors to do and also work on their colors and patterns when handing you the correct egg color.  I have a lot of people tell me their children are too young to do these projects, but you just have to improvise a little and not worry so much about the end product......Maddox is almost 21 months and he is able to do most of our projects with very little help.  He now asks to do art all the time because he enjoys it so much.

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