Thursday, May 3, 2012


My plans changed for today.....was planning to make these really fun caterpillars, but realized I didn't have quite enough pipe cleaners or plastic eggs (hoping they still have the clearance ones at Vogts I saw the other day and didn't grab)......hmm, are you curious yet??  So, we are postponing that til next week and went on with our butterflies today.....the kids didn't seem to mind that we were making our butterflies before our caterpillars!

You will first need to cut a paper plate like I have below.....I used red snack size ones cause that's what I had on hand and then we didn't have to take the time to paint them, but you could totally paint your own and use any size as well.

Then staple the outsides together to form the butterfly.

Each child will need a pipe cleaner, (a friend gave me a package of 6 of these funky pipe cleaners, so I thought they would make cool antennas) a large pom pom and 3 small pom poms.  (You could use any color pom poms, but we used white cause I got a huge container of white pom poms for a quarter at a garage sale.....container included!!)

We started with decorating the could use stickers, pom poms, confetti, markers, etc.....we used glitter though.....the kids love glitter and we haven't used it in awhile.  Once the plates were decorated, then we attached the pipe cleaner (fold in half and staple to the plate) and glued the pom poms and the wiggly eyes on.

So cute and super easy!

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