Friday, March 2, 2012

Dr Seuss' Birthday!

Yesterday we celebrated Dr. Seuss' Birthday!  It was a busy day with lots of activities and lots of pictures (I even cut some out cause it was just getting too long).....I will share with you our craft and our food that we made.....the kids had a blast doing it all!

We started off making these cute Cat in the Hat snacks.....I saw these on Pinterest and thought the kids would love them (and they did.....they all ate every last bite) and they were so easy to do.  The bottom is half of an oreo and then we just layered with white frosting and red gummy savers.

I gave the kids a baggy filled with frosting and the corner snipped so they could do this part themselves.

Our craft was next......this took a little more help from me......we painted their hands to look like Thing 1 and Thing 2 from the book, Cat in the Hat.  Note: when you do the legs and arms, make sure you leave one of their fingers unpainted.....every single one of the kids asked why we skipped one of their fingers!

 B was NOT about to let me paint his, I just let him paint on his paper.

 I love how D put her face on the body.....she said she liked red better than white, so that is where she wanted the face to go!

And finally for lunch we had Green Eggs and Ham......I absolutely love this book and could almost read it by heart!  I love the message that it brings at the end of the book.....and surprisingly the kids get that.....almost all of the kids said, "it's just like eating regular eggs and ham....they just have green food coloring in them!" 
They of course had to help me wisk the eggs.

Usually I just make the eggs green, but the kids insisted the ham be green as well.  One of them said they only eat green ham!!!  LOL

I think every single one of them ate their green eggs and ham!

What a fun day it was!


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