Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Well, we are officially back in the swing of things.....kids were off to school this morning and preschool started back up.  It was nice to get back into that routine again.....I guess! 

Eventhough there is no snow on the ground, it is winter and to kids, winter means SNOW!  So, for the next few weeks we will be talking about winter, snow, snowflakes, snowmen, and hibernation.  Today we made snowflakes from popsicle sticks.  I first had the kids paint 4 popsicle sticks white.

As you can see, my hand is in every picture......it works much better if you hold the end of the popsicle stick while they paint......then they don't go sliding around.

Once they are dry, glue them together to look like a snowflake.  I used hot glue (just seems to work better) but you can use regular Elmer's glue as well.

Then let the kids start decorating them......you can use beads, glitter, sequins.....whatever you have on hand.  We used white and clear beads and then these silver little rocks I bought awhile ago and have never used.....the kids seemed to like them.  Totally forgot about the clear sequins I had, oh well, we'll use it another time.

Let them dry and hang them up.....ours will take a while (they used LOTS of glue)!

Now we just need some snow, cause I have some fun projects to do if it does snow!


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