Tuesday, January 8, 2013


The next few weeks we will be talking about Winter and hibernation.  So, today we made snowmen.  This takes a little prep work ahead of time.....first, cut out the middle of a paper plate.....this will be the body, then cut a circle for the head or you could also use a small paper plate, a black top hat, a carrot nose and then whatever you have laying around for the eyes and mouth.....we used small black pom poms for the eyes and black beads for the mouth.  I stapled the head to the body and let the children decorate it.

When done, take a ziploc sandwich baggy and add sugar, salt, flour, or glitter and tape to the back side so it shows through the circle cut out.  Add a yarn scarf and you are done.  The middle is supposed to be kind of like a snowglobe or resemble the snow.....we used sugar and added a little glitter to it.

 I think they look pretty darn cute!  Ev and Coop both decided their hats should be on the side!

1 comment:

  1. Ev look like he is eyeballing whoever is working to the left of him... maybe someone was trying to steal his pompoms. ; )
