Monday, February 13, 2012


This weekend, we worked on Valentines for school and daycare and Reese's Valentine box.  Reese decided to make her own valentines for her friends at school, so I gave her some options off Pinterest that I found, Cooper wanted we didn't make his and Maddox didn't really care!

 Reese had to make a Valentine box for school and decided on a bird house.  Finding the right box was a bit of a challenge, but my dad came through for us.  The only cost to her box was some brown craft paint from Wal-Mart (I was out).....the rest I had on hand.

 My mom has a cricut machine, so we made a bird, her name and some hearts to add to her box.

One half of the roof lifts up in case the valentines are too big to put in the hole or to get out.
I think the roof is my favorite part!

Then we made these with paper we had on hand and the glow sticks were 12 for $1 at Wal-Mart.

I made these for Maddox to hand out to his daycare friends.....16 bouncy balls for $2 at Target.
To make the bags, I used a ziploc baggie, cut off the top, and stapled folded cardstock on the top for a label.

Cooper wanted transformer valentines for his friends.....super easy!

And I made these for the daycare kids.....crayon hearts.....decided to do green for the boys since they all like green and did red, pink, and purple for the girls.  They had the silicone pans at Wal-Mart for $3.50.  I am also going to use the pans to make heart-shaped little cakes for our party tomorrow.
I know these took a little bit more time than signing your name to a Valentine, but it was fun to do with the kids and it was something different than candy.


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