Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Fizzing Sidewalk Paint

This morning we made sidewalk paint, but never expected them to have this much fun!  We had done this several times last summer, but this time I added a box of baking soda to our mixture (recipe at the end). 

They were so excited.....I told them to put their suits on cause we were going to paint outside!

It didn't take long and they were asking to paint their hands.

And their toes.

Dumping the paint was way more fun!

Then I told them to spray the paint with the spray bottle (it has vinegar inside) and see what started fizzing.

They were finally ready to get clean or get wet.....not sure which.....I was surprised they wanted to get wet cause it was cloudy outside.


Cleaning off the driveway.

This was the unexpected.....walking through the puddles and watching the water move down the gutter.

They are soooo cute!!!

They wanted to then draw with regular chalk on the wet driveway and quickly discovered that the water changed color if they put their chalk in it and colored.

 What a great morning we had outside.....lots of new discoveries as well!!!  Thankfully the sun is coming out so we can head to the pool after naptime.

Fizzing Sidewalk Chalk Paint
A box of baking soda
1/2 cup of cornstarch
Warm (almost hot) water
Food coloring or tempera paint

Mix the dry ingredients and then add the water......stirring until it's not too thick.  Then divide into bowls and add your food coloring or tempera paint. 
When you are ready to make the paint fizz, just put vinegar into a spray bottle and spray the paint.

1 comment:

  1. Can I come to your house? It looks like so much fun. :)
