Monday, September 19, 2011

Water Puddles!

I was going to write a post about our journals that we write in, but as I was downloading pictures I saw the ones I took yesterday....sooo.....change of plans.
Do you ever tell your children "no" because the end result will be messy or more work for you or they will need baths in the middle of the afternoon after they already had one before church that morning.....well....I almost said no, and then I thought, why not?! 

So, here's how it started......Reese and Cooper were outside riding their bikes (it was so nice out).  Whenever it rains, there is always water in the gutter in front of our where do you think they were riding their bikes?? 

You guessed the water!  First, I told them "NO" cause they were going to get dirty, then I said.....change your clothes.  Reese asked if they could run through the water and jump in, well....ask your told her....whatever your mom says!   So, I said YES!  Reese put on her snow boots at that point cause she doesn't have any rainboots (whatever works, right?) and Cooper put on his rainboots and changed to shorts. They had a blast.....just look at their faces!!! And on top of that, Cooper told me I was the BEST MOM EVER!!!!! Thanks, Coop!

Now, doesn't that look like fun!?!!

Maddox watched his big brother and sister.....and said wawer (water) and pointed!  Maybe next time, Maddox, I will let you play too!

Tomorrow, I will tell you all about our journals.


1 comment:

  1. Some of my favorite pictures of the boys are doing this exact thing! It's so much fun to let them get really messy every once in a while.
