Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fruit Loops

I am sure you have all made fruit loop necklaces before......but we did this a little different.

First, I cut apart egg best to use an exacto knife.  Then I just used a permanent marker to put a dot on each egg, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

Then I gave each child 4 fruit loops of each color and they were to sort them into the appropriate cups.  Make sure and give them a bowl of fruit loops to eat or they will eat the ones for the project!

After they are done sorting the fruit loops, give each child a long string or yarn (string works better because the holes on the fruit loops are sometimes too small for the yarn to go through) with a knot on one end.  Then they are ready to make their necklace.....I encouraged the children to go in order to make a rainbow, but they could do it anyway they wanted.

This project incorporates so much.....the children are learning to sort like objects, learning colors and also working on their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.  There were some children that had a harder time than way to help those that struggle is to hold the string for them while they put the fruit loop on....sometimes demonstrating it a few times helps as well.

Here are their fruit loop rainbow son of course ate his right away.....the rest decided to wait to show their mommies!

Here is a sneak peak of what we used to make our snack!



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