Friday, September 2, 2011

Warming Trays and Crayons

If you ever find a warming tray at an auction or garage sale....snatch it up!  This week we used them to melt crayons on wax paper.  Caution: always supervise children when using the warming trays....some can get very hot (most don't have a temperature control).  

Lay a piece of wax paper on the warming tray and let the kids color on the wax paper.  I find it easier if you take the paper off the crayons and turn the crayons on their side to color.  I also lay a hot pad on the side of the warming tray for them to put their hand on, so they don't lay their hand on the hot tray. 

When they are done coloring, I lay another piece of wax paper on the top to seal it together.  Then you can can cut a fun shape out and hang in a window.  Some fun shapes for holidays or seasons are pumpkins or leaves for Fall, hearts for Valentine's Day, shamrocks for St. Patrick's Day, eggs or crosses for Easter, etc.  


Some other ideas for warming trays are: melt crayons on foil....then you could put a piece of paper on top to transfer the design or just leave on foil, shave the crayons and watch them melt, use finger painting it a glossy look.    

Here is another idea.....color the entire space and then write a name or make a design using the tip of the crayon.


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