Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Jelly Beans

I know it's been awhile since I blogged last......my youngest was in the hospital for a few days with pneumonia, so that threw me for a loop and then it was Spring Break (which means NO SCHOOL!).  So, we have definitely been busy with activities and such, but not much with blogging!  Well, today we got back on track with some preschool activities and with Easter right around the corner, we needed to get busy talking about that. 
We started off with a little jelly bean activity.......we talked about the true meaning of Easter and went through the jelly bean prayer with our jelly beans......you can find that prayer or poem here.  I always like to ask the children what Easter is about and see how much they actually know before beginning my story.....I was pleasantly surprised to know they actually knew quite a bit! 
Then we sorted the jelly beans.

I cut an egg pattern out of poster board and had them spray it with water. 

Then I let them put however many jelly beans they wanted on their egg and wherever they wanted.

The color of the jelly bean will start to "melt" onto the paper.....the longer they sit, the more color comes off.  You can even spray more water onto the jelly beans if you need to.  You can also move the jelly beans around and mix the colors together until you get the look you want.

You can tell some of the children used more black than others......definitely more of a process art, but that's ok......it was fun and the children learned something and loved doing it. 
We also did a couple different egg dying processes as well, but will share those another day.
What I didn't finish blogging about a few weeks ago was our Lorax activities during Dr. Seuss week.....so here are a few pictures of our activities.  We of course had to watch The Lorax....cute movie! 

Then we made some truffula trees with dyed cotton balls and pipe cleaners.

 And a cupcake snack with pretzels and cotton candy truffula trees......aren't they cute??!!!!

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