Thursday, March 28, 2013


This morning we had our Easter egg hunt.  Our yard is pretty much all mud right now, so I hid the eggs in our neighbor's yards......thank goodness for great neighbors!  I hid 12 eggs for each child.....2 of each color to put in their egg carton basket.  I colored the bottom of the egg carton with the corresponding color they were to find.....a fun matching game to go along with the hunt.

They are ready! 

The bigger kids were helping L get her basket sweet!   

Ray came out to help the children find their eggs......he told us when we were all done how much fun he had!  The kids love him! 

We made egg nests for our morning is a link if you want the recipe......super quick and easy to make (just very sticky).
They definitely had a good time with the nests, eggs and peeps......they were pretending the peeps were laying their eggs!

I made homemade pizza for lunch......some wanted a bunny and some wanted an Easter egg, so we did both. 

I'm sorry, this is a long post but we had lots of activities this morning that I want to share!  We made some pipe cleaner and bead crosses......just take 2 pipe cleaners and twist in the middle to make a cross (I cut one in half for the short piece).  Then the children just added beads to it.....some of them filled their pipe cleaner and others did just a little.

Maddox was telling me he did it!!!  Those little beads are hard to do, but great for working on those fine motor skills. 

I think they turned out really cute and they were so proud of the way theirs looked.

 And one more are our eggs we dyed the other day.  We used a wisk to put their egg in while dipping......kept their hands clean and less mess too.  I hot glued their initial on their egg before could make designs or whatever with the hot glue.  I don't have a cool to the touch one, so I didn't want the children doing it themselves.  You could peel the hot glue off after dying eggs and do other designs as well for a layered look.  We just left on and made it white.

These eggs were made with shaving cream and craft paint.....just swirled the paint into the shaving cream and rolled the eggs around.  You have to let dry (we did over night) and then wipe excess shaving cream a marbled look.
Ok, I'm done!  As soon as kids wake up from their naps, we are headed outside......Spring is finally here and it is gorgeous outside!  Just wish it would stick around for awhile.
Hope you all have a Happy Easter!
Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. So, E is pictured with a red or orange pipe cleaner cross and he brought home a green one... I obviously don't care, just thought it was funny. The eggs with the hot glue turned out really well!
