Thursday, September 26, 2013

A is for Apples

We started out learning about the letter A.....logical right??!!!  We always talk about what starts with the letter we are working on......a is for apple!  Here are a few of our apple projects we did.
We headed to the store to find some apples......we had lots to choose from.....thank goodness!  We talked about the different colors, names, where they came from, etc.  They each picked one out and then we weighed them to see how much they all were.  So much to learn when going to the grocery store!

Writing the letter A and drawing an apple in their journals. 

We did a little apple tasting and charted their favorite apple. 

 Now, one of my favorite ways to eat an apple......with caramel!  These were a miniature version and perfect for little ones.  We started by counting the caramels and dividing them equally among our friends.  Then we started unwrapping them......they were fast unwrappers!

I used my Pampered Chef melon baller to make tiny apples......worked great!  We tried using pretzels for the stem, but when we started dipping them some of them fell off.  So, you could use a toothpick or lollipop stick.  Dip them in your caramel and eat!  They all had several of them and were much easier than biting into a big apple.  Aren't they cute??

And finally ended with some apple stamping!




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