Tuesday, November 20, 2012


This morning we made a fun little snack.  I have done this snack or similar ones in the past, but thanks to Pinterest I found a way to tweak it a bit.
First you need a waffle cone for each child.  The directions on Pinterest said to boil the water and use the steam to curl the ends of the cone, but thanks to a fellow daycare provider, we were able to do this in the microwave.  Kelly did a little trial and error with hers and it seemed to work better in the microwave.  Take a wet paper towel and wrap it around the end of the cone, then microwave for 15 seconds......mine took about 30, so depending on your microwave, it may take anywhere from 15-30 seconds.  Take out quickly and curl the end (you can use a spoon or a pencil).....I will warn you, it will be a little warm, so be careful.  Hold in place until it cools off and hardens.
Then prepare a bowl of goodies for the children to spoon in their cornucopias......we did candy corn (represented corn), marshmallows (potatoes), skittles (fruit) and chocolate chips (just because everything is better with chocolate)!!!  You could also make a healthy version and do different types of cereal or even mix the two.
Have each child fill their cornucopias up.

Waiting patiently to eat! 

Mmmm......candy!!!  I didn't let them eat it all, the rest will be going home.....you're welcome, parents!!! 

Fun and simple snack that everyone loved!!!
You can wrap with cellophane and add a little "Happy Thanksgiving" note as well.

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