Monday, March 24, 2014

New Blog

For those of you that keep checking my blog for new posts, you can now click on the link below to my new blog.  I got tired of not being able to post pictures, so just decided to start a new blog with a new name.  Check it out and let me know what you think.  Enjoy!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Christmas Party.......finally!

I know, I's already the middle of January and I am again behind on blogging (actually I have tried to get this post posted several times and having trouble with pictures, so trying it using my phone).  Maybe I should make a New Year's Resolution to keep up on blogging......or not!  Sorry, but sometimes I just have other children, cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc!

Anyway, we had a Christmas Party right before Christmas was a morning of food, games, crafts and of course presents!

Aren't they the cutest?!?!

The big kiddos got marshmallow shooters.....these were fun to make and I think they really loved them! Sorry, parents, if you weren't as thrilled! 

We played several rounds of pass the candy cane.  I was kind of surprised how well the little ones did at hooking their candy cane on and passing it to the next person. 

I decided this year to not stress out about all the little details......I mean, after all, this is for the kids and what they want. 
So, I made a basic round chocolate cake and told them they could decorate it however they wanted......this was our birthday cake for Jesus!
And they got to work. 

They even picked out the candles......they were to go around the J for Jesus!

Blowing out the candles!  We sang to Jesus as well, but I couldn't get my video loaded.

This was our manger craft we did.....M is for Manger! We used craft sticks and colored brown and cut up a paper sack for the hay. 

Our lunch and dessert! 

We all had such a fun morning! Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas Crafts

I feel like this month is just flying by!  We have been very busy the past several weeks working on our countdown to Christmas with Random Acts of Christmas Kindness, making lots of Christmas crafts and ornaments, and doing some baking.  This morning was our Christmas Party......we had a blast!  Anyway, I thought I would share some of the crafts we have made......most are very simple and you could even do during Christmas break with your kiddos.
These were paper plate wreaths we made to take to Parkside.....we thought maybe they could give to residents that don't have any Christmas decorations.
Cut out the center of the plate and paint the outside green. 

Then use red beads or pom poms for the berries.

Add a bow and they are ready to hang up. 

Our next craft was toilet paper roll rudolph.  Cut the toilet paper tube in half and paint brown.

Once dry, add eyes, red pom pom nose, and pipe cleaner antlers.......I was out of brown, so we just used yellow.

Spiral Christmas Trees.......cut a spiral out of green construction paper.  The children used glitter glue to decorate them.

Once dry, we added a star on top and ribbon to hang it.  These turned out cute, but were difficult to photograph!

This next craft was supposed to be pipe cleaner icicles, but I forgot to buy white pipe cleaners so we just used red and green and added decorative beads.  If you want to make them look like icicles, use white or silver pipe cleaners and clear beads.

Once the children are done putting beads on, twist it around your finger or pencil to make a spiral and hang on the tree. 

Glitter ornaments.......this took a little trial and error!  I saw something similar on Pinterest, but didn't have stamping ink so we improvised.  You need the clear glass ornaments.....I grabbed some at Hobby Lobby for 50% off! 
Have each child pick a color of craft paint.....they all chose red or green.  A measuring glass with a pour spout works the best for mixing paint......mix together several drops of paint and several drops of don't need a whole lot, so depending how many you are making will depend how much you mix up.  Then pour into the ornament and swish it around.....making sure to cover the opening.  Then drain out the excess liquid.
Hoping this makes sense......definitely a one on one project, so didn't get very many pictures of the actual process.

Once the ornament is coated, pour glitter into the inside and shake around.  Silver or white glitter works the best.   
I love how these turned out.......very sparkly without glitter getting all over your house!